August 12, 1968

I found out the new operation was going to start at LZ Becky where I had landed the first time I went out into the bush.  Today, every one who had been in Viet Nam longer than six months had to get a plague shot.

We also got a resupply of three day’s food and our squad leader made sure that every man in the squad had two dandlers of M-16 magazines and five extra bandoleers of M-16 ammo. We had to carry at least five canteens of water. I found out that I also would be carryon a can of machine gun ammo and a LAW.

In the  evening, I got all my gear packed up except for my poncho which was still part of our hootch. I was having trouble getting all of my stuff into my small Marine issue pack when Anderson said, “Well, if we hit the shit, maybe you can zap a gook and get yourself a NVA pack. the hold a lot more shit.” He showed me his pack which was three times the size of mine, not even counting the three pockets on the outside of it. I said, “yeah, maybe I will.”

We stood watch that night with noting out of the ordinary happening. 

© Carole Dixon 2015