July 1968 Command Reports  - Significant Events

During the period of 18-31 July 1968 Co 3rd Marines Frag Order 14-68 1st Bn, 3d Marines conducted a …. assault to secure LZ Gull (YD 025612) and seize objective 7. … base and conduct extensive patrolling of area to locate and destroy enemy forces, fortifications and supply caches. Construct… high ground. Be prepared to seize objective 9 on order and secure Mutters Ridge area.

Conduct heliborne assault commencing 270700 H July (D+10) to seize LZ Becky. Establish FSB at LZ Becky. Conduct search and destroy Operations in and along Can Lo River Basin in AO. After conducting operations west of LZ Becky, conduct sweep operations along Cam Lo River Basin east toward LZ Margo. Be prepared to conduct other operations as directed.

Supply: The supply system during the month of July operated with no significant problems. Supplies were adequate, however, items of clothing were hard to obtain for the rehabilitation program (Operation Sure).

Motor Transport. During the period 10-31 July 1968 truck support from Division Motor Transport was not adequate to support the Battalion at LZ Stud with supplies and newly arrived personnel. In addition, Battalion rear mess facilities were feeding elements of the 26th Marines, provision motor guard at Quang Tri Combat base, and road sweep missions needing vehicular support. This Battalion has only N-37 Personnel Squadrons, one of which is permanently located at LZ Stud.

Postal. Mail service was considered to be satisfactory.

During Operation Lancaster II from 18-26 July at Mutters Ridge vicinity, the enemy totally avoided contact and it appeared that no enemy had been in the area for several months. 100 overgrown fighting holes, 2 82mm mortar pits, 1 tree observation platform, the carriage of a 12.7 ZZ Gun, and the remains of SKS rifle and a .45 pistol were found.

The Batttalion then moved up Hayrode Valley to a position vicinity (XD 854614) near Stuarts Rock vicinity (XD 840624) from 27-31 July. A well used trail running north and south with fighting holes on both sides was located vicinity (XD 885617 and 2 NVA were sighted. During this period unreported micro gravel impeded progress.

During the month of July nine In-country Troop Indoctrination ?? Programs were conducted.

© Carole Dixon 2015